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Influential Anthropological Studies You Should Know

Anthropology is a wide-reaching, holistic discipline focused on society and how humans adapt to their social and physical environments, emphasizing culture and evolution. Along with archaeology, subareas of study include the following descriptors for anthropology: cultural, linguistic, biological, medical, political, forensic, and sociocultural. Applied anthropology refers to the use of anthropological knowledge and skills to solve real-world problems. Just as the study of anthropology is wide-reaching, so are its applications, be it to business, human rights, education, environmental issues, health and medicine, and so on. Thus, it can be difficult to reduce the history and current state of humanity down to a smaller list of landmark studies per se. So instead, this page dips a toe into this vast field, highlighting some of the recent most-cited studies from major anthropology journals.


Economics & Human Biology (primarily open access with a few abstract-only files)

·       Jutta Viinikainen, et al, Does better education mitigate risky health behavior?, Aug 2022.

·       Lucia Mangiavacchi, Fathers matter, Aug 2021.

·       Kien Le and My Nguyen, The psychological burden of the COVID-19 pandemic severity, May 2021.

·       Lauren Hoehn-Velasco, et al, The great crime recovery, May 2021.

·       David Blanchflower and Alex Bryson, Unemployment and sleep, Dec 2021.

·       Nina Boberg-Fazlic, et al, Disease and fertility, Dec 2021.


Journal of Human Evolution (primarily abstract-only files with one full access file)

·       Meir Orbach and Reuven Yeshurun, The hunters or the hunters, Nov 2021.

·       Eleanor Scerri and Manuel Will, The revolution that still isn’t, June 2023.

·       Amos Frumkin and Orr Comay, The last glacial cycle of the southern Levant, Nov 2021.

·       Kelsey Pugh, Phylogenetic analysis of Middle-Late Miocene apes, Apr 2022.

·       Reuven Yeshurun, et al, Early Upper Paleoithic subsistence in the Levant, Nov 2021.

·       Nick Ashton and Rob Davis, Cultural mosaics, social structure, and identity, July 2021.


American Journal of Human Biology (not open access, requiring pay after first page or log in through your institution)

·       Clarence Gravlee, Systemic racism, chronic health inequities, and COVID-19, Aug 2020.

·       Johan Eriksson, Eero Kajantie, et al, Boys live dangerously in the womb, Apr 2010.

·       Christopher Kuzawa and Elizabeth Sweet, Epigenics and the embodiment of race, Oct 2008.

·       Peter Gluckman, Mark Hanson, et al, Early life events and their consequences for later disease, Dec 2006.


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