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Often-Cited Studies in Criminology

Whereas criminal justice focuses on the systems that investigate, prosecute, punish, and rehabilitate criminals, criminology is the study of crime and criminal behavior, including how society reacts to crime. Closely related to psychology and sociology, criminology is an area of scientific research examining crime as a social phenomenon. Research can occur from many standpoints, including legal, political, biological, and forensic. The following list shares major studies published by most-cited scholars in criminology journals.

1.       Robert Sampson and John Laub: RJ Sampson and JH Laub, Crime in the making, Crime & Delinquency, 1993.

RJ Sampson, et al, Neighborhoods and violent crime, Science, 1997.

2.       David Farrington and Alex Piquero: AR Piquero, DP Farrington, et al, The Criminal Career Paradigm, Crime and Justice, 2003.

DP Farrington, Developmental and life-course criminology, Criminology, 2003.

3.       Terrie Moffitt: TE Moffitt, Adolescence-limited and life-course-persistent antisocial behaviour, Psychological Review, 1993.

TE Moffitt, et al, Sex differences in antisocial behaviour, Cambridge University Press, 2001.

4.       Francis Cullen and TC Pratt: TC Pratt and FT Cullen, the empirical status of gottfredson and hirschi’s general theory of crime, Criminology, 2000.

TC Pratt and FT Cullen, Assessing macro-level predictors and theories of crime, Crime and Justice, 2005.

5.       Daniel Nagin: DS Nagin and KC Land, Age, criminal careers, and population heterogeneity, Criminology, 1993.

DS Nagin and R Paternoster, Enduring individual differences and rational choice theories of crime, Law and Society Review, 1993.


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